So, what’s the deal with native plants?
Native plants are plants that occur in the region that they evolved in. They are the backbone to our ecosystems: they provide life to crucial animal and insect species, are optimized to support the local climate, and are naturally beautiful.
However, harmful invasive plants tend to overtake these plants in their environment, causing widespread description to the ecosystem.
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But first, some terms:
Plants that occur naturally in the region that they evolved in.
In the US, this means plants that were present in the region before colonization by Europeans
Non-native plants. Introduced by humans or other means. May or may not cause harm to the ecosystem, but usually do not cause any benefits
An introduced plant that spreads and causes damage to nearby species.

The native movement
A few years ago, most people would not have recognized what a native plant is or why it was important.
Recently, as environmental destruction has become more of a pressing issue, we have become more mindful of our impact on the earth. With that, many have learned about the importance of natives and made the switch.
Why we need YOU
Most nursery plants are non-natives
Only 1/4 people specifically buy native plants
150,000,000 acres of habitat lost to urban sprawl
By learning about why you need to care about this issue, you can prevent the spread of invasives, spread the word on the importance of natives, and help to bring back the biodiversity of your home!
How to help